Due to their significant roles in the history of fashion in Seattle, Shah Safari and International News were chosen to participate in the Seattle’s Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) exhibit: “SEATTLE STYLE: FASHION/FUNCTION“. International News and Shah Safari were also honored to be included in the exhibit’s hardcover companion book which is distributed by the University of Washington Press. The exhibit was presented by Nordstrom, another Washington-based fashion company.
What Seattleites wear—past and present—reveals something captivating about the city’s sartorial spirit. Seattle Style: Fashion/Function highlighted how elegance and practicality co-existed and converged in Seattle wardrobes, providing new insights into local clothing ranging from couture to grunge aesthetics. The most significant exhibit to date featuring Pacific Northwest regional style, and the most prominent showcase of MOHAI’s clothing collection, Seattle Style: Fashion/Function explored the sensibility of Seattle fashion, bringing together men’s and women’s fashions from the mid-1800s to today.
Curated by MOHAI’s Collections Specialist for Costumes and Textiles Clara Berg, Seattle Style: Fashion/Function showcases the complex history of clothing in Seattle, including its innovations, its influence, and its connections to the broader fashion world
The Seattle Style: Fashion/Function exhibit ran May 4th – October 14th in 2019. For more information on MOAHI and its exhibits, please visit: MOHAI.org